Remote Workshops and Collaboration: “Being There” when You’re Not in the Room

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An EPIC Talk with NICHOLE CARELOCK (Ad Hoc LLC), MARTHA COTTON (Fjord/Accenture Digital), & CARRIE YURY (Fjord)

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Approx 60 min

Download Nikki Carelock’s “Cheat Sheet” for Remote Workshops

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The daily work of ethnographers requires being the room with key people, working through a range of challenges in shared spaces. We do this in workshop settings, for brainstorming and planning, and for the myriad ways we collaborate with teams, stakeholders, clients, and others. COVID19 has upended our ability to work together in this way. How do you make virtual collaboration not only effective but also feel authentic? How do you lean-in to digital instead of trying to force fit analog experience into digital boxes? There are best practices for remote and virtual ways to be together and approximate that “in the roominess.” Along with expertise from many fields, ethnographers can draw on our deep understandings about the way culture, meaning, ritual, and other dimensions of human interaction shape experience in physical and digital spaces. Join us for this EPIC Talk where a panel of your fellow EPIC community members will share:

  • A hands-on workshop that illustrates the practical implications of virtual collaboration
  • Challenging our notions of what it means to be “there,” and how to get that in the roominess in ways that feel authentic
  • How to design objectives for collaborative sessions that align with the virtual and digital
  • Best practices for creating interactive virtual spaces and facilitating virtual collaboration

Nichole Carelock is the Principal User Experience Researcher at Ad Hoc LLC, where she works in remotely on Civic-Tech large scale digital transformation. She holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from Rice University.

Martha Cotton is a Managing Director at Fjord/Accenture Digital, where she is responsible for developing the design research practice for Fjord globally. She is also Secretary of the EPIC Board.

Carrie Yury is West Coast Lead for Design Research at Fjord. She is interested in innovating how we conduct experience research and strategy, and has pioneered new ways of working, including Agile Research and Living Strategy.