Talks & Summits

Participation is FREE for EPIC members—join us!

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EPIC Talks is a webinar series exploring theory, methods, career development, and best practices in ethnographic practice. Talks bring our community together to share expertise, learn, debate, and test new ideas and approaches. Sessions are proposed and developed by EPIC Members.

EPIC Summits are a new way for EPIC people to connect and collaborate in a lively virtual space outside the “Zoom box”. More substantial (and more fun!) than a webinar, but more bite-sized than a conference, Summits are designed by EPIC Members to galvanize the incredible expertise of our community and build meaningful connections with each other. We gather in SpatialChat—a virtual environment that uses spatial sound, movement, and video avatars to facilitate more fluid movement around rooms designed for networking and socializing.


What are EPIC Talks?

EPIC Talks is a webinar series exploring theory, methods, career development, and best practices in ethnographic practice. Talks bring the EPIC community together to share expertise, learn, debate, and test new ideas and approaches.

Talks are:

  • Free to EPIC Members
  • 60–90 minutes
  • Run on Zoom
  • Recorded, edited to protect privacy, and made available to EPIC Members, unless content is sensitive

Are EPIC Talks recorded?

Sometimes! When possible we record Talks and make them available on demand to EPIC Members. Check out our library here, and our complete video library including conference presentations here.

There are cases in which we can’t make recordings available: Sometimes presenters offer proprietary/semi-proprietary or experimental content that they aren’t ready to make more public. Other Talks are designed to evoke candid discussions, which are enhanced when participants do not feel pressured by the knowledge that they’re being recorded.

Will presentation slides be distributed?

Slides, readings, or other materials are often distributed to participants—this is entirely up to the presenter.

Can I present a Talk or suggest a topic?

Any EPIC Member can propose to offer a Talk or Summit—read on for details. And we’re always interested in suggestions for new topics and speakers, so please drop us a note with your ideas.

Propose a Topic

We invite EPIC Members to share expertise, skills, ideas, and creative new initiatives with each other. When you do, you’ll get stimulating feedback and important new professional connections. Any EPIC Member may propose a Talk or Summit.


We are open to a broad range of topics and formats that reflect the diversity and creativity of our community. We have just three requirements:

  • Talks must be relevant to the EPIC community and consistent with our mission to support the professional development, learning, and leadership of people who practice and promote ethnography.
  • Talks must be non-promotional. Training for a proprietary or semi-proprietary method, product, or service may be conducted if: 1. it is directly relevant to ethnographic practice; and 2. The competitive/comparative, theoretical, or historical context is addressed.
  • Talks must be proposed and organized by an EPIC member. You may collaborate with a non-member, for example as a guest presenter or panelist.


Any EPIC Member can propose a Talk. Send proposals to with the following information:

  • Session title
  • Brief bios of presenters + additional information describing their expertise in the topic being proposed
  • Description of format (presentation, panel, debate, etc)
  • Description of content (approx. 200 words)
  • Target audience, including level (beginning/advanced) and prior knowledge/experience assumed
  • Describe what participants will learn/take away from the session
  • Optional: supplemental info (e.g., slides, articles, or talks you’ve given on this topic previously)

Proposals will be evaluated by EPIC in collaboration with experts in our community when appropriate.