Watch Party—Design & White Supremacy Culture

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Hello to the global EPIC Community!

I’m the new community manager for Ethnography Hangout Slack, a space to discuss applied ethnography created by EPIC, Anthrodesign, and Ethnography Matters. I’m excited to energize even more engagement and inspire you to develop valuable connections and conversations there. To kick that off, I hope you’ll join our watch party and discussion, June 23–24!

How to Participate:

  1. JOIN Ethnography Hangout Slack
  2. WATCH Design & White Supremacy Culture, available on demand through June 25
  3. PARTICIPATE in a discussion/Q&A with panelists: June 23–24, in the #watchparty channel of Ethnography Hangout Slack

Design & White Supremacy Culture

Autumn Sanders Foster, Chair (Quire Consulting); Nancy Douyon (Douyon Signature Labs); Angela Gist-Mackey (University of Kansas); William Lez Henry (University of West London); Melinda Weekes-Laidlow (Weekes in Advance Enterprises)

Within the growing global discourse around race, whiteness, and racial injustice lies a call to address the ways systemic racism and normalized whiteness continue to shape our work. Many organizations have issued formal statements but struggle to identify and implement meaningful next steps. How can change work with—or in opposition to—dominant norms, values, and culture in our research and our organizations?

This was the topic of the popular EPIC2020 session Design & White Supremacy Culture, and we invite you to watch it and extend the conversation directly with the panelists.

Interest in understanding the legacy of white supremacy in our systems, work and research has continued to grow. Have our organizations, and our own practices, actually shifted? Where we are now as a society, as individuals, and as ethnographers committed to understanding people and culture? How can we take stock of what has changed, or not, and how we can be positive change-makers?

For the next two weeks, Design & White Supremacy Culture is available to the public to watch on demand in the EPIC video library. Grab your team, colleagues, clients, or students and jump into this important conversation! During June 23–24, the panelists will engage join the discussion in the #watchparty channel of Ethnography Hangout Slack. We hope this event can advance our thinking and galvanize our work, shaping our trajectory as a global community. Please note, if you want to invite others to join the slack, send them to our application here (we don’t use automated invites within Slack)

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions/comments:

Happy Watching!

Astrid Countee
Ethnography Hangout Community Manager

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