The Sportcaster Voice as the Main Emotional Link between Fans and the Experience

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This research was to redefine the design structure, strategy and implementation of the sport narratives of the National Mexican Team during the last Soccer World Cup in Brazil in 2014. There is a crucial difference between attending a global sporting event and watch it on TV. However, the moment when a fan start watching TV, the narrators create the main emotional link providing engagement. They are the ones who narratively indicate the exact moment of attention, epic, passion, and emotion.

Sportscasters are the bridge between the game and the fan; therefore, the game is not only experienced through “sight”, but can also be through “hearing” and through the loyalty towards your preferred narrators. At that moment when the excitement and passion increases, because your national soccer team is playing, the sportscaster’s performance is essential in the fans experience.

Mauricio Guadarrama Bazante – Social anthropologist, qualitative research on innovation, public opinion and semiotics. More than ten years of experience developing businesses strategies through ethnography and user center design projects.

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