research scale

Leveling Up Your Research and Research Operations: Strategies for Scale

BRIGETTE METZLER Services Australia, University of Queensland. [s2If is_user_logged_in()]DOWNLOAD PDF [/s2If] [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)] [/s2If] With user research becoming more common within organisations, there is an emerging issue of meeting demand whilst also developing the craft of research. A new profession is emerging in response – research operations. This paper will describe the current state of publicly available frameworks for research operations. These tend to deal with one aspect of scale – the people who are doing the research, not how they do the research, when, or what we do with the research. Two frameworks will be combined to create a matrix that provides the tools to identify an investment strategy for research within the context of an organisation and their strategic goals. This matrix provides a significant contribution to the field by making it possible to be strategic and proactive about developing research practices in the context of individual organisations, how and why they...