AI natives

On AI Natives and the Business of AI

ASHWINI ASOKAN Mad Street Den [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)] Pizza robots, pandemic trackers, altered carbon, the perfect tiktok lineup, that instagram lipstick filter, that racist sensor that filtered the victim, national citizen trackers, my deepfaked face on Okoye's body while I slay Kill Monger's men....We live in an AI world. Nascent and frivolous as it may seem to some, it powers billions of lives quietly everyday, both visibly and invisibly, thanks to the ubiquity of data and screens. But who are the creators? Who decides how people are controlled? How is AI designed? Who cares? Who is a citizen of an AI inhabited world? This talk explores the idea of an AI-Native, in a world largely being designed by the businesses of AI. [/s2If] [s2If !is_user_logged_in()] Pizza robots, pandemic trackers, altered carbon, the perfect tiktok lineup, that instagram lipstick filter, that racist sensor that filtered the victim, national citizen trackers, my deepfaked face on Okoye's body while I slay Kill Monger's men....We...