Sustaining Stories: The Versatile Life of Sustained, In-house, Ethnographic Practice in a Global Software Company

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Ethnographers, in a sense, play the role of story creators, storytellers, and, often, preservers of such stories. The narratives produced and the fieldwork from which they emerge make visible trajectories of practice—for both subjects and researchers— which can be traced both retrospectively and projectively. For “in-house” ethnographers engaged in the sustained work of making sense of and contributing to organizations, a unique challenge emerges: discovering and managing the retrospective and prospective meaning of their storytelling and its visibility. Here we reflect on the challenges and opportunities of sustaining ethnographic inquiry in a large global software company. Reflecting on close to ten years of participant observation, we outline some of our practices related to positioning, re-framing, and expanding the visibility of our work and our organizational roles; a dynamic that continues to shape our practice and its relevance within this corporate environment.

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In the last decade, applied ethnographic practice has made significant contributions to product and service design, program evaluation, overall strategy (e.g. Luff, 2000), and other organizational practices. In addition to extending the usefulness of the ethnographic method, these practices have also brought to light new methodological and ethical dilemmas (Fetterman, 1998). In this paper, we concentrate on the unique challenges that emerge from the sustained participation of ethnographers in organizational life as “in-house” social scientists and, in particular, on the practices related to managing the visibility of field data, interpretation practices, artifacts, and the researchers’ roles themselves. We have come to believe that new methods and approaches might be necessary in this area based on the ways that our ongoing and complex relationships with sponsors, stakeholders, and subjects constantly challenge us to actively monitor the retrospective and prospective meaning of our work and its visibility. In considering the visibility of field data and of our roles retrospectively we engage in “sense discovery” or “sense making” by segmenting, associating and synthesizing elements of the research participant’s experience as well as our own. Prospective visibility challenges us to engage in “sense projecting” or envisioning possible futures within the boundaries of a context of study as well as for ourselves. Before exploring some of these challenges and the ways we have come to understand and approach them, we outline the ways in which both of authors have come to our current organization, as well as what informs our views on this topic. In the spirit of reflective ethnography we report on our experiences, in an attempt to engage in a dialog with other practitioners regarding the pervasiveness of these situations and the need for collective thinking on ways to approach them.

Although almost all of the activities reported in the remaining sections correspond to the history of Natalie’s professional practice at SAP, in many cases we will adopt the plural form for narrative convenience as well as aid in the reading of our accounts as practices that could be of value to others. Natalie came to the organization about ten years ago into a technical position while working on her Anthropology doctorate. In the intervening years, Natalie has moved into a management role and formed a small User Experience team. That team has grown to include interaction designers, information architects, and most recently Human Factors expertise. Johann recently joined the User Experience team after completing his dissertation work in Human-computer Interaction in a different context.

SAP is a large software company with offices throughout the world.1 While the company does provide software-related services like consulting and training, the majority of the its revenue is delivered through license sales of its numerous software solutions. The software industry is a dynamic one, and its volatile nature in turn affects how companies are required to operate. In the past decade, SAP has become a publicly-traded company and undergone severl strategic alignments including a significant number of mergers and acquisitions by SAP as well as by its competitors. With company sizes and revenues soaring, analysts have focused increasingly on the profitability of SAP and its peers. In turn, there has been a growing interest internally on managing margins, and operations functions have rapidly appeared across the company, emerging as a new form of concentrated expertise to address this new corporate priority.

In parallel to other duties at SAP, Natalie conducted research that focused on changes in high-tech industry following Y2K, the dot-com crash, and 9/11. A central goal of that work was to understand how a growing focus on the market and on customers manifested in changes internal to the corporation and the management of employees. Consistent with that industry trend, in recent years SAP has made a conscious shift from being a technology-driven company, to one that is much more attuned to the market and its customers. This shift has resulted in an internal discourse and set of practices targeted at raising employee awareness of and responsiveness to the market and customers. (Hanson 2004) This interest in consumer behavior (end-users in the software industry) had resulted in a resurgence of interest in ethnographic methods in business, and there were a growing number of articles appearing in the U.S. media about anthropologists and ethnographic methods. While not the subject of this paper, that discourse served as a backdrop for the positioning of user research through ethnographic methods as an operational practice inside of SAP.

Lucy Suchman (2000) argues that “the interest in corporate anthropology involves the anthropologist herself in an identity marked as exotic Other within the context of familiar commercial and technological worlds”. It is true that at the outset, an anthropologist within an organization like ours was a source of curiosity more than anything else. Co-workers described themselves affectionately as Natalie’s “specimens”, without really understanding why an anthropologist would be interested in the corporate context. Using her colleagues’ curiosity as a launching point, Natalie began to talk with her colleagues more and more about her research, and the growing use of ethnographic methods in business. Natalie used familiar consulting tools like the Venn diagram to build the bridge between the consulting approaches familiar to SAP, the ‘exotic’ new perspectives that anthropology could bring.


The Venn diagram above was used by SAP founder Hasso Plattner at SAP’s annual conference, Sapphire. Natalie and her team added some additional descriptive text, and we continue to use it today to raise awareness about the user perspective in consulting engagements in cases where technology and business requirements are known, but user requirements are not well understood. This visualization also enables the team to explain the importance of user-centered design, user experience, and social science methods to stakeholders inside of SAP.

Although far from a comprehensive description of our work context and experiences, the previous paragraphs have outlined some of the factors that shape our organizational practice today, The remaining sections illustrate the perils and opportunities derived from our sustained participation in organizational context, specifically as they related to how we manage the visibility of ourselves and our research, as well as the meaning of our practices..

Vignette I. Make the Unseen Visible, but Losing it from Sight: The Woeful Pie Chart

After having expressed the wish to bring her anthropological training to bear on her work at SAP, Natalie was given the opportunity to conduct a research study as a ‘proof-of-concept’ for what might be possible. That study has come to mark the beginning of the User Experience function in SAP’s Business Operations group. At the time, the operations function in the U.S. was focused almost exclusively on the sales line of business. The team’s charter was to increase the productivity of sales people, as measured by (among other things) license sales revenue per sales representative. It is therefore not surprising that this first research project involved shadowing revenue-generating employees. The research was justified to an executive team on the basis of the opportunities it brought to understanding sales activities, specifically looking for opportunities to increase their productivity.

At that moment, Natalie was the sole researcher who handled almost every aspect of the study– recruiting, scheduling, capturing field notes, data analysis, and the reporting of results. The final deliverables included a presentation that was given to the Senior Vice President (SVP) of Business Operations (the project sponsor) with a list of possible action items, including business scenarios illustrated with quotes from study participants, and a series of recommendations. This type of work is perhaps the standard of ethnographic practice at the service of business strategy in which the “unseen” of work practices is reconstructed and made accessible to decision makers who might be unaware or distant from it. Messaging such findings involves the creation of reports, diagrams and other artifacts that attempt to serve as boundary objects (Star & Griesemer, 1989) between recipients and researchers.

In this case, the presentation materials produced included a slide that attempted to visualize the frequency with which certain key activities occurred. It was a pie chart based on the coded data, intended to provide visual impact and designed as an anchor point for discussion with executives who might not tolerate the narrative detail in the findings. When the study results were presented to the Senior Vice President of Business Operations, this pie chart was used in addition to informal, verbal findings; the complete presentation materials were delivered later to an entire management team.

At the time, this pie chart in particular appeared to be extremely effective in stimulating dialog with the sponsor and others about the complex stories and data behind it. In fact, it effectively enabled messaging of complex findings all the way to the executive level, a success rarely experienced for this kind of work. Without it, the research and its outcomes may have not had the same lasting success. At this point, it appears to be the only artifact from the research that is still circulating. To the best of our knowledge, none of the detailed business scenarios (or even the sales people screen shots) have been distributed further, despite those being, from our point of view, the most interesting and valuable aspects of that research. We have come to call it the “woeful” pie chart, the one which has been used and re-used the most, and in many cases, unfortunately, misused and surely misinterpreted. This might be an inescapable fact of ethnographic practice. Or perhaps the artifact itself, with its simplified and attractive appearance, affords the twisting and positioning to suit the needs of the speaker.

As professional practitioners and as members of our particular organization, we are still learning and re-learning that it is the contextual interpretation and ongoing analysis that makes field data useful—the nuances are not made visible except in situated conversations. Partly in response to this, we have made some changes in how we handle our reports today. For example, we insist on providing readouts before we distribute the soft copy of a report, and we provide private readouts to help interpret or expand on key topics. We hope that this approach will help our audience understand the richness and complexity of the findings, so that they will come back to us again and again, rather than assuming all the data they need is in the final deliverables. What we have come to learn from this experience illustrates the subtle ways in which we adapt our professional practices to suit the contexts in which we operate.

There had been a few other studies conducted during a similar time frame, carried out mostly by outside vendors. The first had yielded very general findings, and had not provided any significant new insights that could be used to drive productivity improvements. The second study had been conducted by a usability testing firm, and its results had limited value to the operations management team because the outcomes were narrowly focused largely on ways to improve the intranet. At the time, the research Natalie conducted had succeeded in looking for ‘white space’ (opportunities to improve productivity that might not have been uncovered otherwise) and that the research approach and final deliverables permitted the management team to more deeply perceive the problem areas, the frequency with which they were occurring, and to begin to understand the real impact from a salesperson’s point of view. The research also made visible problem areas that were known but were previously not well understood. The detailed findings and recommendations permitted a level of visibility on a core process that had previously not existed, and specifically showed the impact of those process breakdowns on sales productivity.

Overall, this initial work was perceived as innovative and adding value, and it contributed to the increased understanding of the management team of how anthropology and ethnographic practices could be blended with work in business operations. This initial success began to make ethnographic research methods visible within the organization, and opened the door for future engagements. However, as a junior member of the operations team, Natalie had very little opportunity to drive uptake of the findings, and almost no visibility into what was done to address the issues uncovered. Lack of direct access to members of the executive team, lack of influence in general, and lack of resources severely limited what could be done to extend and act on the findings. At least in part, some of these challenges related from “losing sight” of research findings are derived from the position that ethnographers might occupy in the organizational landscape, and the visibility and access that such position might afford them. At the time of our study, we didn’t have enough visibility and access to the corporate strategy and direction, which in turn made it challenging for us to message the findings in ways that would be compelling to senior management. Several more years and projects had to pass before a team dedicated to similar work was constituted and our work better positioned in a way that provided us visibility and the means to manage uptake.

In addition to these challenges, we also face the problem of being disconnected from the results of our work. We know that our findings have been used to build a number of business cases, but for the most part we have learned about them after the fact. Not too long ago, we learned that the COO was speaking with enthusiasm about a pie chart that showed where sales representatives were spending their time. A member of the leadership had to explain to the COO that the person who had done that research worked in their group. On one hand, it is fantastic to see that the research has had such lasting value; because so little has changed since for the salespeople, so most of the findings remain quite valid. One of the interesting things here is that the company has changed, sponsors and stakeholders have changed, but much of the day to day work that was originally the subject of study has not changed all that much in the intervening years. What is bothersome is that the team is not being recognized or acknowledged. As individual practitioners gain recognition and teams dedicated to similar practices emerge, it is common that resources need to be justified on a regular basis; having our work mis-interpreted (or not getting recognized for our work) can present a significant long-term risk for resource justification. Therefore, in such situations one has to be even more careful to ensure that proper work recognition is assured.

However, at that time, the entire concept of User Experience was still being proven. As such, the team’s primary charter was in technical realms, for example bridging between the business and IT or standard development. These factors influenced the way we thought of the solution space and its presentation – i.e. many of the recommendations were of technical nature and presented in that way. Some of the findings were in fact used to design and implement a small internal software application to support important but previously unidentified concerns of sales personnel. However, without significant resources at our disposal, it was extremely challenging to demonstrate the ways in which technical recommendations could have larger business impact. Perhaps most importantly, having a sole researcher on the project made it extremely difficult to manage the presentation of outcomes in ways that would be simple and compelling enough to engage an executive audience and sustain the visibility of the work. In hindsight, it is fortunate that our work was able to have any impact at all, even if in some cases such impact was not completely aligned with our intentions as researchers.

Vignette II. Projecting retrospective inquiry as relevant to the present and to a set of envisioned futures

Despite the troubled visibility of some of the artifacts produced from the initial study, it cannot be denied that eventually that research and other changes played a significant role in making our expertise visible and opening opportunities for further ethnographic work. A few years later, the regional Chief Information Officer came to us to find out what further research, if any, had been done on sales personnel. His interest was around the ways that the existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software was used by sales personnel to keep track of activities with their customers and prospects, communicate projected revenue by quarter, etc. Although we had conducted numerous user research studies within the sales and marketing organization (a few of them using ethnographic methods) none of them directly answered his questions. However, exploring the relevance of prior insights in new situations has become a way of opening up new opportunities for organizational contributions and, naturally, we were not going to miss an opportunity to present our work to the CIO! As a result, research findings from multiple prior studies were used to prepare a summary of what had been learned about the CRM implementation. In a personal meeting with the CIO, a general overview presentation of all the research projects was provided and then, through the course of the discussions, specific topic areas and supporting materials were reviewed based on what appeared most relevant for the questions at hand. While the overview presentation provided the framework for discussion, however, the majority of the data and the rich stories were exchanged during that meeting were anecdotal, drawn from memory and reconstructed based on the questions the executive was asking.

As a result of this “retrospective” presentation and the dialog that ensued, we had a chance to learn about a new program intended to bring improvements to the internal implementation of CRM. As it turns out, many of the areas that had been identified in the original ethnographic research on salespeople continued to be a challenge several years later. Most importantly, through our retrospective review, we had succeeded in making the sales point-of-view visible for the CIO and his project team. Inclusion of the users’ perspective at the outset of the project would be critical to ensure uptake on the improvements that were planned for the system. Some of our prior research, for instance, had shown that the sales people actually spent very little time online in front of a computer; they were hyper-connected, but it was largely via a Blackberry or mobile phone, and not using a computer browser. Even when sitting at their desks (which were equipped with land lines), they more often than not opted to use their cell phones. Of the time they spent in front of their computer, most of it was spent looking at market news and trends through a personalized service like Yahoo! Finance, and only a very short amount of time each week was spent in the CRM application itself. One insight we were able to bring to the conversation at the time was that the sales representative perceived the tool as a vehicle for management reporting, and therefore only maintained the fields that they knew would end up on an executive report, or that impacted how and how much they were being paid for the software licenses they sold.

Using historical information, we were able to present the system user’s point of view in a way that was unique inside SAP. Prospectively, we were able to position not only our expertise but the ethnographic approach as strategic and useful. After years of practice talking about the findings, we were finally confident that we were both sought for and able to speak to that point of view in a way that was compelling at the executive level. It was more than two years after that initial study, but it was the first time that we had been approached by a member of the executive team to provide insights on users at the outset of the project. Even more importantly, the research was now being used to enable strategy, prioritization, and funding decisions, and not simply system usability.


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