Scaling Futures: Foresight that Delivers Meaning and Value

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This panel explores the specific reasons organizations generate ideas about the future, the methods they choose, how they act on foresight, and consequences for both business and society. Panelists address the theme of scale in various dimensions, such as how to appropriately scale our imaginings, scaling to multiple time horizons, scaling breadth vs. depth of focus, and thinking of scale in terms of organizational value creation.


Panelist photos

Rich Radka has 20+ years of providing deep human insights to corporate, scale-up and public sector clients in the arenas of  innovation, customer experience, strategy and forecasting. He brings inspired design thinking, and a practical human-centred approach to co-create solutions that involve customers, employees, partners and other stakeholders.Wendy Chamberlin serves as the Global Program Director for the BOMA Project, a livelihood development program that leverages the poverty graduation approach to support entrepreneurial growth and household level resiliency in ASAL counties in Northern Kenya and in Karamoja, Uganda. While their efforts focus on provision of training and mentorship that help business women grow their skills and reach, BOMA also uses its insights to inform and pursue multi-sectoral approaches (private, public and social sector included) that ensure long-term growth of local businesses. As the Global Program Director for the BOMA Project, Wendy focuses on the expansion and innovation of BOMA’s poverty graduation program through partnerships with the Government of Kenya, the private sector and the social sector. Wendy comes to BOMA after 12 years at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, most recently as Associate Program Officer for Financial Services for the Poor, where her work including developing and delivering solutions to drive financial inclusion for the ultra-poor in emerging markets. For more information, email

As an applied anthropologist, Dr. Gemma John studies cultural shifts and illuminates the changing ways in which people live and work in cities. She researches how the real estate industry should respond to evolving customer demands and consumer preferences, and helps clients to create places and experiences that continue to remain relevant in the market. As Director at Human City, she leads an interdisciplinary team that deploys human insight and data analytics to embed social value into the development and management of real estate. She’s worked on a range of projects, from reimagining the design and operation of shopping centres to investigating the importance of the ‘sharing economy’ for asset management. As a public speaker, she has presented at international real estate conferences, including Future PropTech, PERE Europe, GRI Club, Revo and MIPIM.

After 25 years in the product R&D space, Ramesh Loganathan is now Professor of Co-Innovation, where he heads Research/Innovation outreach at IIIT Hyderabad. He has helped start and grow the Technology Transfer Office, Co-Innovation Labs, Entrepreneur-On-Residence program and the Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship. An accomplished Technologist, with over 20 years of product engineering and R&D leadership, Ramesh was Chair of ACM Hyderabad Chapter 2012-14, President of HYSEA (Hyderabad Software Industry Association) and one of the Founders of Headstart Network (StartupSaturday).

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