Reconceptualizing Privacy

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EPIC2019 Panel, Providence, Rhode Island

KEN ANDERSON, Principal Researcher, Intel Corporation

LIZ KENESKI, Head of Privacy Research, Facebook Inc.
PETER LEVIN, Principal Researcher, Autodesk
ELENA O’CURRY, Senior User Researcher, Uber
JEFF SOKOLOV, Designer & Researcher, IBM Watson Health

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Algorithmic systems are increasingly integrated into the physical and digital infrastructures of our lives. The borders of privacy are being pushed and redefined, provoking new debate about what privacy is. All corporations claim privacy is important, but what does that mean? Panelists will consider what privacy might look like or mean when individuals are tied into multiple networks, both human and AI.

KEN ANDERSON, panel chair, is an anthropologist, who is a Principal Engineer in Next Generation Standards at Intel Corporation. He does pathfinding at the intersection of technology, strategy, and the human experience to drive towards creating technology that enables us to have richer relationships, a just society, and an enjoyable life. Over the past two decades his work has dealt with privacy issues arising out of new technologies. Currently, he is exploring technologies, transformational business opportunities, and cultural values around smart cities, AI, and the surveillance economy. He did his anthropological graduate degree at Brown University and his theology degree at Bethel Seminary.

LIZ KENESKI  leads the Privacy Research Team at Facebook. Her team conducts multi-method, multidisciplinary research to answer foundational questions about how people think, feel, and behave in regard to online and offline privacy. She approaches research and design with a lens from her academic work in social psychology on relationships, striving to improve the relationship between users and technology.

PETER LEVIN is a strategy and research expert specializing in markets, technology, and innovation. He is a principal researcher at Autodesk, where he conducts experience research in order to be the “voice of the user” for the design and technology teams. Peter holds PhD in economic sociology from Northwestern University.

ELENA O’CURRY specializes in connecting physical and digital domains to drive empathetic decision making and design. She leads global Safety, Privacy & Accessibility research at Uber, tackling everything from distracted driving to data protection, and was previously head of UX research at Eero, AltSchool, and Groupon.

JEFF SOKOLOV is a Design Research Lead at IBM Watson Health where he uses a mixed methods approach to design compelling experiences that support the discovery and sense-making behaviors of physicians. Protecting privacy is a recurring theme in healthcare. He also facilitates a design research guild at Watson Health. Jeff holds a PhD in Cognitive-Developmental Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University and a BS from UC San Diego.

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