Meaningful Innovation: Ethnographic Potential in the Startup and Venture Capital Spheres

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  1 comment for “Meaningful Innovation: Ethnographic Potential in the Startup and Venture Capital Spheres

  1. Great article 🙂 I’m concerned about this phrase though :”…and allows them to lock in high levels of personal income, even if they fail to return investment capital to the limited partners who invest in the fund (Mulcahy et al 2012)”
    Carriest interest is only earned by GP/VCs when the fund they are managing, performs above mere investor capital return, hurdle included.,(hurdle being the investors (LPs) minimum expected return in terms of IRR ( Internal Rate of Return)).
    So no VC can earn carried before having started to make a profit, unless there is a flaw in the fund’s LPA (Limited Partnership agreement)

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