EPIC Events

Amplify your impact with the power of community.

>>  August 18 – October 6, 2023: Ethnographic Interviewing: Mastering the Essential Qualitative Method
>>  October 16 – November 13, 2023: Leveraging Organizational Culture for Impact
>>  November 1 – December 13, 2023: Semiotics: A User’s Guide to Seeing Differently
>>  Oct 22–25, 2023: EPIC2023 Main Program

EPIC learning events offer tools, skills, and expertise we need to advance the value of ethnography in business, have greater impact in our organizations, and further our careers by growing into new areas of value. From deep-dive Courses to short Talks and Tutorials, we’re developing a range of great opportunities. Registration is open to EPIC Members, and membership is open to everyone—join now!

COURSES—Unique and powerful courses are designed for practitioners who want to push the boundaries of their work and learn from the best in the field. These aren’t cookie-cutter modules—you’ll get substantial, personalized experience with expert instructors and a small group of participants in our remarkable community. LEARN MORE.

TALKS—Live, online events created by our community, for our community, to share skills and expertise, and explore significant strategic and professional issues. LEARN MORE.

TUTORIALS—Instructors from the EPIC community offer skills and expertise in one intensive, small-group session. Join a tutorial in person at our annual conference or watch videos at your leisure. LEARN MORE