EPIC Screening in Melbourne

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Friday, April 29, 2016, 5:30–8:30 PM
Loop Project Space & Bar, 23 Meyers Place, Melbourne, Australia
RSVP Here!

We’re excited to partner with Melbourne Professional Design Anthropology to offer a screening and discussion of selected videos from our annual conference—the premier international gathering on ethnography and design in business. Two hours of highlights will include keynote, paper, and PechaKucha presentations. Come get a taste of EPIC and network with this fantastic group of anthrodesigners.

Can’t make it? EPIC Members can access all conference video on demand.

Want to host your own screening? Contact us.


Keynote Address: Bridging Past and Future

PechaKucha: Collateral Revelation
PAUL RATLIFF, Design Strategist and Innovation Consultant

Paper: Radical Insights: Towards a Critical Hermeneutic
KARL MENDONCA, Sr. UX Researcher, Goodreads

Paper: Little Data, Big Data and Design at LinkedIn
JULIE MARIE NORVAISAS, Director of User Experience Research, LinkedIn & JONATHAN “YONI” KARPFEN, Experience Researcher at Airbnb

PechaKucha: Well, That Was Awkward! The Value of Discomfort
MARTA CUCIUREAN-ZAPAN, Design Researcher & EVAN HANOVER, Director of Research, Conifer Research

Paper: Tangible Tools in Para-Ethnographic Fieldwork
PATRICIA LIMA, Senior Insight Designer, LEGO Group & WAFA SAID MOSLEH, Course Cordinator, SDU Design

10 Years of EPIC
JEANETTE BLOMBERG, Principal Research Staff, IBM Research

Melbourne Professional Design Anthropology

The Melbourne Professional Design Anthropology Meetup brings together professional Design Anthropologists for networking, discussions, presentations and workshops. Design Anthropology is about how design translates (human) values into tangible experiences. DAnthros have to understand values, strategize design, and transform experiences. We learn from each other and visiting experts on how to transform our work places through the principles and practices of Design Anthropology.

About EPIC

EPIC is a conference and an international community of practitioners who work to ensure that innovation, strategies, processes and products are anchored in what matters to people in their everyday lives. We draw on tools and resources from the social sciences and humanities as well as Design Thinking, Agile, Lean Start-up and other approaches to realize value for organizations and communities from understanding people and their practices. Learn about EPIC2016.

Watch Elizabeth Churchill (Director of UX, Google) reflect on the importance of the EPIC community:

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