Bringing the Security Analyst into the Loop: From Human-Computer Interaction to Human-Computer Collaboration

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This case study examines how one Artificial Intelligence (AI) security software team made the decision to abandon a core feature of the product – an interactive Knowledge Graph visualization deemed by prospective buyers as “cool,” “impressive,” and “complex” – in favor of one that its users – security analysts – found easier to use and interpret. Guided by the results of ethnographic and user research, the QRadar Advisor with Watson team created a new knowledge graph (KG) visualization more aligned with how security analysts actually investigate potential security threats than evocative of AI and “the way that the internet works.” This new feature will be released in Q1 2020 by IBM and has been adopted as a component in IBM’s open-source design system. In addition, it is currently being reviewed by IBM as a patent application submission. The commitment of IBM and the team to replace a foundational AI component with one that better aligns to the mental models and practices of its users represents a victory for users and user-centered design, alike. It took designers and software engineers working with security analysts and leaders to create a KG representation that is valued for more than its role as “eye candy.” This case study thus speaks to the power of ethnographic research to embolden product teams in their development of AI applications. Dominant expressions of AI that reinforce the image of AI as autonomous “black box” systems can be resisted, and alternatives that align with the mental models of users proposed. Product teams can create new experiences that recognize the co-dependency of AI software and users, and, in so doing, pave the way for designing more collaborative partnerships between AI software and humans.

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In the spring of 2018, some 18 months after its launch, a small team of IBM Security designers began working on QRadar Advisor with Watson – an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven security software application – in hopes that they could improve the product’s user experience and increase adoption and usage. Not surprisingly, the design team had lots of questions for the broader product team. What did Advisor do? How did it work? More importantly, how did its intended users – enterprise security analysts – actually use the application, and did they find the information presented meaningful and useful? The answers to these questions, the Advisor design team argued, could not be gleaned from the typical client phone calls but instead warranted an ethnographic study of security workers – analysts and leaders – within the context of their work environment, Security Operation Centers or SOCs, for short.1 See Figure 1.


Figure 1: Bulletproof Security Operations Center. Source:

SOCs are typically staffed by experienced teams of security analysts and engineers, incident responders, and managers who oversee security operations. They tend to be rather imposing, dark spaces filled with security team members in their own workspaces, surrounded by at least two if not three screens. These teams are responsible for protecting company assets from security threats, which they do by monitoring, detecting, investigating, and responding to potential security breaches. Security operations teams uses a range of technologies, software, and security processes to help them collect, monitor, and analyze data for evidence of possible network intrusions. One such software application is QRadar Advisor with Watson (Advisor). Advisor is designed to help analysts focus on the most critical threats to their network, investigate these threats more quickly, and identify possible breaches that weren’t identified by other tools.

Building enterprise security software requires deep knowledge of information technology, the software development process, and the cybersecurity industry. While product teams need to understand the practices, experiences, and goals of their intended users, they also need to understand the technology behind the software. This can be particularly challenging for designers and design researchers who don’t come from a computer science background. As a result, it is not an unusual for IBM designers and design researchers to spend significant time when starting a project trying to understand what the software they work on is supposed to help users accomplish and how.

The introduction of designers and design researchers to development teams, however, has proved to be just as challenging for software developers and product managers who are not accustomed to being asked to think about their users’ “as-is” experience of their product, complete with pain points and opportunities for improvement.

QRadar Advisor with Watson today, by all accounts, is a complicated application: hard to configure properly, difficult to use, and not especially clear in the insights that it provides analysts. Designed and developed by software engineers more intent on making the backend technology work than the providing an intuitive and frictionless user experience, Advisor has encountered resistance from analysts who don’t know how to use or interpret core features of the application. In addition, the application is not particularly well integrated into the broader software system in which it is embedded. Analysts can accomplish many of same tasks facilitated by Advisor, although not as quickly or easily.

Given the complexity of the product and uncertainty around how exactly analysts were or weren’t using the application, the lead design researcher of the team lobbied for direct access to analysts and their colleagues within their work environment. It was only in observing and talking to security analysts and leaders doing their work within the context of the SOC that she felt she could properly understand how these workers did their job, why they preferred certain tools and resources over others, and their goals in using or purchasing the tools they did.

After first presenting a more technical description of the Advisor application, this paper provides some background on the field of cybersecurity and the hopes and fears associated with AI within it and the world it inhabits. The paper then proceeds to summarize the specific research goals and methods of the project, key findings, and research outcomes. It concludes with a summary of the project.


QRadar Advisor with Watson is a cloud-based application that is used by security analysts and incident responders to augment the capabilities of QRadar, an industry-leading security information and event management tool (SIEM). Companies employ SIEM solutions to monitor their environment for real-time threats and catch abnormal behavior and possible cyberattacks. QRadar, like other SIEMs, works by collecting and normalizing log and flow data coming from network infrastructure, security devices, and applications and comparing this data to pre-defined rulesets. If the conditions of a rule are met, QRadar generates an “offense” – a grouping of related “events” that have occurred on a network’s devices – which serves to alert security operations that a possible breach in security has occurred. These alerts often are the first clue that there may have been unauthorized access and use of enterprise assets. Unfortunately, many of the alerts that are triggered by SIEMs are false alarms, and security analysts spend much time trying to ascertain if the alert is a true or false positive.

QRadar Advisor with Watson is designed to help security analysts quickly reach a decision on what to do next after receiving one of these QRadar alerts. Prominent in marketing materials is Advisor’s status as an AI-enabled application. See Figure 2.


Figure 2: IBM’s QRadar Advisor with Watson. Source:

Advisor collects internal data from network logs and security devices like firewalls and antivirus devices and correlates this data with external threat intelligence that it has mined from the web. Advisor uses a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model to extract and annotate the external data, which are stored in a knowledge graph (KG). This is the “AI” or “Watson” part of the application. Knowledge graphs are powerful tools that can be used to show all of the entities (nodes) related to a security incident (e.g., internal hosts, servers, users, external hosts, web sites, malicious files, malware, threat actors, etc.) and the relationships (edges) between these entities. Figure 3 depicts an Advisor investigation of a security incident. The result is a comprehensive view of all of the entities involved in the original QRadar offense, along with additional entities in the network that have been identified by Advisor as being potentially affected based on the threat intelligence it mined using the NLP model.


Figure 3: QRadar Advisor with Watson investigation. Source:

Knowledge graphs, however, can get quite complicated, especially as security incidents can involve hundreds of nodes and edges. See Figure 4 for an example of an Advisor investigation of a complex security incident.


Figure 4: QRadar with Watson Advisor Investigation. Source:


Cybersecurity and AI Technology

In a recent 2019 Capgemini survey of 850 senior executives from 7 industries and ten countries, 69% responded that they would only be able to respond to cyberattacks with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). And why shouldn’t they think so? AI for cybersecurity has been deemed “the future of cybersecurity” (Forbes 2019). According to at least one company making AI-based security software, AI is “liberating security” from “regular outmoded strategies to one of security as a “science” that brings with it “revolutionary change” (Cylance 2018). There is, of course, another side to the public debate over the impact of AI on the security industry. Customers have voiced disillusion with the over-promising of what AI- and Machine Learning- (ML) based solutions can do. Moreover, cybersecurity experts have warned of the “malicious use of artificial intelligence technologies,” based on their prediction that companies will experience new bad actors who are using AI technologies themselves to exploit new enterprise vulnerabilities associated with AI systems (Future of Humanity Institute 2018).

While security experts might see AI as liberating security, AI experts outside of the security community appear to be far less optimistic about the possible effects of AI. For example, based on a 2018 survey of 979 AI experts, Pew Research Center reached the following conclusion: “Networked AI will amplify human effectiveness but also threaten human autonomy, agency and capabilities” (Pew Research 2018: 2). Although some AI experts did recognize possible benefits of AI – e.g., advances in science and humanitarian efforts – on the whole, the experts polled by Pew appear to have far more confidence that the negatives will outweigh the positives. For these skeptics, the adoption of AI technology will result in humans’ loss of control over their lives, their jobs, the ability to think for themselves and, the capacity for independent action. (Pew Research 2018). AI technology, according to the study, could lead not only to a rethinking of what it means to be human but also to the “further erosion of traditional sociopolitical structures,” “greater economic equality,” a divide between digital ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’, and the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few big monopolies.

Pervasive Social Meanings of Computing

People have worried about the debilitating effects of new technologies since well before the emergence and popularization of Artificial Intelligence. Computing, in particular, has been a lightning rod for both proponents and critics of the power of technology to transform society and humanity’s relationship to nature and the material. Since its introduction, the computer has quickly come to be seen as evidence that routine clerical work could be mechanized and automated – a good thing, confirmation that humans could be freed from repetitive labor and technology was a source of continual growth and prosperity (Prescott 2019).

This vision of computing, like those of previous technological innovations – e.g., steam railways, automobiles, radio and electricity (Pfaffenberger 1988; Moss and Schuutz 2018) – has much to do with Enlightenment ideas of progress and the transformative social potential of technology. This notion – that technological innovation represents human progress and mastery over nature – forms the backbone of a “master narrative of modern culture” (Pfaffenberger 1992). In this master narrative, human history is a unilinear progression over time from simple tools to complex machines. Accordingly, computers are evidence of humanity’s increasing technological prowess, control over the natural world, and application of science. They are, in short, a root metaphor for social process in mechanized societies (Ortner 1973).

Not all people have embraced this master narrative, of course, and people seeking to reassert human autonomy and control in the face of mechanization resist and challenge these dominant meanings in numerous ways. For some, resistance comes in the form of introducing new technologies that subvert or invert commonly held meanings of existing technologies. Thus, the invention of the personal home computer can be seen as a strategy to reassert human autonomy and control through the subversion of dominant meanings and images associated with large-scale enterprise computers (Pfaffenberger 1988).

Others undermine this master narrative of technology and progress by subverting dominant themes and meanings attributed to new technologies like AI. Researchers like Moss and Schuur (2018) and boyd and Crawford (2014) have pointed out how the meanings and myths of AI technology and big data have contributed to an understanding of technology as objective, accurate, and truthful, and an understanding of humans as fallible, inefficient, and ripe for machine domination. Other researchers have focused on making people aware of just how dependent machine learning and AI models and algorithms are on humans (see, e.g., Klinger and Svensson 2018; Seaver 2018). As Seaver (2018) has argued, “In practice, there are no unsupervised algorithms. If you cannot see a human in the loop, you just need to look for a bigger loop.” Still others have drawn attention to inaccuracies in the master narrative: AI is not objective; there are biases in machine learning models and algorithms.

In exposing taken-for-granted truths about AI technology as myths, these researchers can be seen as authors of a counter-narrative. These counter-narratives do more than just call into question this master narrative, however. They question one of its fundamental precepts: namely, that technology is an external, autonomous force that develops according to its own internal logic. In so doing, these counter-narratives make way for understanding how technologies (and the material) might acquire agency and function as agents in society.

From Humans vs. Machines to Humans + Machines

As AI technology becomes more and more sophisticated, it is hard to imagine not seeing AI artifacts as displaying agency and even autonomy. Even before the popularization of AI technology, however, agency – in particular, the notion of nonhuman or material agency – has been a rich source of discussion and inquiry for a variety of disciplines. Two approaches – one, techno-centric and the other, human-centric – both have been roundly criticized: the first, for its unproblematic assumption that technology “is largely exogenous, homogenous, predictable, and stable, performing as intended and designed across time and place”; and the second, for its minimization of the role of technology itself and its focus on the human side of the relationship (Orlikowski 2007).

In contrast to these approaches, “post-humanist” conceptualizations of the human-material relationship have been proposed that try to avoid the determinism of early concepts and challenge traditional approaches that restrict agency to humans. These alternative concepts bring attention to the way in which humans and technology are inextricably entangled and mutually constitutive in practice. Moreover, they challenge notions of agency proposed by these other approaches. Agency is no longer defined in terms of an essential quality inherent in humans – a “capacity to act” ala Giddens – but as “the capacity to act” within “entangled networks of sociality/materials” (Orlikowski 2007). Agency is something that occurs rather than something that one has. Both humans and machines thus can be understood to demonstrate agency in the sense of performing actions that have consequences, but both kinds of agency are to be seen as intertwined, not separate (Rose and Jones 2005).

Neff and Nagy (2018) have gone so far as to argue the “symbiotic agency” is a more appropriate expression to capture the dynamic nature of human and technological agency in human-machine communications, in which users simultaneously influence and are being influenced by technological artifacts. Research that has embraced this way of conceptualizing the human-machine relationship recognize people’s routines and technology as flexible, especially in relationship to one another: people will change their existing routines when faced with new technological tools and features, just as technological tools and features will be resisted and/or modified – i.e., their material agency will be changed – by people who aren’t able to achieve their goals given the current tool or technology (Leonardi 2011). How people work, then, is not determined by the technologies they employ, regardless of how constraining they might be. Instead, people are capable (within existing conditions and materials) of “choosing to do otherwise” in their interaction with technological tools (Orlikowski 2000).


At IBM, design researchers need to be scrappy. Getting access to users of IBM products can be particularly challenging, and researchers often do not have the budget to pay for things like recruiting, transcription, and incentives for non-client users. Working for IBM Security adds additional complications. Many of IBM’s security clients have mature security operations that have extended teams protecting their systems. Clients can be very reticent to share screens that include real network data or information that reveals how they have set up their security tools for fear of revealing their network vulnerabilities and compromising their security posture. More common than field visits to client Security Operations Centers or even video calls, then, are phone calls attended by members of a client’s security operations (which may or may not include people who actually use the product) and interested IBM parties (e.g., technical salespeople, offering managers in charge of the business, engineers, and designers).

There is only so much, however, that can be gathered from such phone calls, and initial calls with Advisor “users”, while informative, did not provide the team with a thorough understanding of the processes and tools used by security analysts, the goals they have in using these, and the constraints that they encounter in trying to accomplish these goals. Ethnography, the design team argued, would help them understand how analysts interacted with and made sense of the “data overload” and “noise” that marketing materials referenced.

Thus, in the late summer of 2018, IBM design researchers working on Advisor were permitted to shadow a handful of security analysts and leaders in their workplace. This research occurred in May and June 2018 and included visits to the SOCs of two IBM clients: one, a large Managed Security Service Provider that uses IBM security solutions to provide security services to more than 500 customers; and the second, a large distributor of manufactured components with a security team of 10 globally-distributed people.


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