Contributed Articles

Regional Strategy in a Globalized World

An EPIC Talk with: NIKHITA GHUGARI (Xeno Co-Lab, India) ROBERTO HOLGUIN (Fjord/Accenture, Mexico) TRULS ERIK JOHNSEN (EGGS Design, Norway) YUEBAI LIU (ri studio, UK) MOOWA MASANI (REACH Insights, South Africa) DINA MEHTA (Convo, India) SWAR RAISINGHANI (Xeno Co-Lab, India) Thursday, August 20, 2020 8:00–9:30am San Francisco / 10am Mexico City / 4pm London / 5pm Cape Town / 8:30pm Mumbai *Join 15 minutes early for informal intros & chatter with EPIC members & staff! This online event is free for EPIC Members [s2If !is_user_logged_in()] To register: JOIN EPIC or LOG IN [/s2If] [s2If current_user_is(subscriber)] To register: JOIN EPIC [/s2If] [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)] REGISTER [/s2If] Overview Culture and commerce are transnational and dynamic, but in many ways, corporations and organizations of all kinds still rely on a static map of the world. Traditional borders and metrics are used to create market segmentations, product and service offerings, organizational hierarchies, strategic...

Ethnography and Music: Disseminating Ethnographic Research inside Organizations

LUIS ARNAL and ROBERTO HOLGUIN Download PDF In the applied context of ethnography its value depends not only on the quality of the research product alone but also on how it is received by the business audience. This paper presents some variables that describe and hope to overcome common barriers to the appropriate reception of ethnographic research in the business context. We are using music as a metaphor to the discussion of barriers and research use. Ethnography is an invaluable method for any organization, its wide range of applications can benefit different areas and levels; from Human resources, Finance, Manufacturing to Innovation. The advantages of ethnography are somewhat obvious to ethnographers but still almost imperceptible to most members of an organization. Every day there is more and more evidence that the word “ethnography” is slowly shifting from academic “jargon” to almost becoming business cliche. A lot has been done, mostly in the US over the last 10 years toward ethnography in business, and positioning...