A.I. Among Us: Agency in a World of Cameras and Recognition Systems

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[s2If !is_user_logged_in()] [/s2If] [s2If is_user_logged_in()]

Personally Efficient – is the system deployment easy and does it achieve something of value for those being used as data. Of course, there can also be some broad community value (e.g., community health or safety). Or even more distant, the recognition is generating value for some other entities benefit;

Anonymized –are the data anonymized? is any personal identifiable information necessary to participate? Is it possible for the system to deliver personalized results if the information in the system is anonymized?

High Confidence – all recognition systems are probabilistic, though some are better than others and some instances are more difficult to determine. This measure looks to whether the use case will have high confidence or a high threshold in determining the result. At the extreme other end would be a system that requires human agents to make a determination.;

Self-contained –does the information stay within one domain or does it leak out to other domains, (e.g., residence access recognition isn’t used in any other way and stays within the resident community’s system)?

What follows is a brief introduction that applies some of these variables to show how the different assemblages using recognition software are distinct. We’ll provide three examples to help draw out the differences between these variables, how they work and how they work together.

HS Access Facial Recognition

Our HS X used facial recognition to allow people (students, faculty, admin etc.) onto the grounds. The access set-up is very explicit and obvious. People give their permission to be part of it or if they opt out, they can use their ID cards to enter (albeit a slower process). If they are not recognized and blocked from entering, then they can see a security guard in a nearby booth and pass through with an ID. Knowing who is or who isn’t on campus is considered part of the school’s responsibility to students, staff and parents. By simply walking into school, it has eliminated long lines and wait times as people used to have to show their ID cards to guards and if their ID cards were lost or misplaced, it turned into an ordeal for people and the administration. There is no anonymization. The location and time of the person passing are noted for the daily records. There was high confidence that the recognition system would work since the data base was less than 1000 people. The data base and the results were contained to the school system only, which was an on-premise system. The mapping onto our vectors can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Access to School Facial Recognition Mapping

HS Affect Detection

Affect detection, though taking place in the same context, a school, has a very different profile than access to the campus grounds (Figure 2). While the explicit permission to be part of affect recognition might on the surface appear similar, it varies from the access example because the cameras are mounted up and away from the students. Because the cameras scan the entire room, one is never sure when they are being monitored. There is little recourse to the affect result – neither the student nor the teacher can know when affect moments happen, so they can’t be contested or corrected. Because the classroom experience is about paying attention to the teacher, people felt it was an appropriate thing for the school to try to work to improve. While in theory there was value to the student and the teacher, neither was actionable value. The net result ended up being uncertain value for everyone. The recognition was directly tied to identified individuals who were given reports. The quality of the data set for what constituted attention/not attention, as well as, how behaviors were interpreted, was highly suspect. Video was accessible off campus by parents and the partner company.

Figure 2. Affect Detection In Class Mapping

HS Hallway Recognition

Hallway recognition creates a slightly different profile than either of the above (Figure 3). While it too takes place in a school, it has a very different profile. While the explicit permission to be part of a hallway recognition might on the surface appear similar, it varies from the access example because the cameras are often mounted up and away visually from the students, almost hidden. There is little recourse relative to the hallway detection result – moments are collected, but not necessarily immediately acted upon. Counts of activity can be made, without the video being retained. The IT person and/or security person have the dominant voice in interpretation. While administrators and teachers felt the system was consistent with the schools goals (safety, attendance, & learning), many students understood the safety and attendance aspect but felt the school should primarily be concerned with campus access and what happens in the classroom. The students did not see any personal value to the system. Overall the community value was insuring no misbehavior on campus creating a safer social and physical environment. There was no anonymization of the data – data was tied to an individual or individuals. It was recognized by all participants that both the recognition of the individual and of the activity were subject to a lot of interpretation by IT and security personnel. The hall recognition system was contained to the school environment with security access given only to particular people with particular roles in that school.

Figure 3. Hall Cameras in Recognition Mapping

While the diagrams provide a “systems approach” to think through recognition technology uses for those we have discussed and others that might emerge they are ultimately incomplete models. Specifically, these models do not address the important differences between A.I. (instructions, intentions, revealed preferences, ideal preferences, interests and values) on an individual or a collective basis. A challenge remains for researchers to identify fair principles for alignment on recognition technologies that receive reflective endorsement despite widespread variation in people’s and communities moral beliefs.


All of the assemblage involving recognition software described here can be cast as providing for well-being, broadly construed (or at least that the intention by those who use them). The form and content of well-being differs from instantiation to instantiation, in some cases they seek to provide security, in others, health, in others a sense of comfort. In many cases, these forms are swirled together. They strive towards a holistic environment or milieu, characterized by values and desires that are projected into and through these systems. Surveillance is offered as the tool, the means to achieve that well-being. This is not, in fact, such an odd perspective. Regimes of observation, inspection, and supervision have long been part of how we, as individuals and societies, work towards well-being, whether through a disciplinary gaze or an ethics of self-care (Foucault 1995). What differentiates these regimes is the assemblage that enacts them and with which that we interact. Contemporary assemblages, such as the recognition systems we’ve discussed, display (if not possess) agencies of their own, capacities to act and exert power in dynamic ways that are new and unfamiliar. This requires that we do more than extend the existing theories of observation and control onto these assemblages. This requires that we work to articulate new theories that engage the agentic capacities of these assemblages.

These agentic capacities are apparent in the tailored character of these assemblages; the well-being generated is not generic. The aim of these assemblages is a well-being that is personalized in ways that people find meaningful. The subjectivities of the consumer are different from those of the citizen, which are different again from those of the student. These subjectivities are also always intersectional—the Chinese mother and the parochial school principal are complex inter-weavings of the social. Personalization then is more than a surface acknowledgment of the differences between one individual and another in order to deliver recommendations that cater to demographic differences. The rhetoric of personalization in an age of A.I. is about new sources of everyday benefit and fulfillment, enabled by new types of partnerships that bring new types of distance and intimacies into our relationships with other humans and with technologies; partnerships that help us to produce the worlds we want to inhabit. Of course, we can and should question this rhetoric, but the point remains, personalization in the age of A.I. is not the transactional customization of Web 2.0.

While the research represented here is limited, the socio-material change in the definition of “the field” brought about by recognition systems strongly suggests the need for new or modified approaches for doing innovation work. We see at least three aspects of our work that could be (re)considered: 1) assemblages, not individuals or user experience; 2) where we get our models for A.I. networked systems; and 3) the necessity of a humanities approach.

Assemblages, Not Individuals or Groups

As a community of practice, we should consider a shift in our lens from the individual experience to the collective, technical, institutional, and regulatory systems that surround peoples who exist in networks of assemblages. Studying “users” as we have traditionally conceived of them will be of limited help in understanding the transformations that A.I. and recognition will enable or force in society. Our familiar ways of thinking and working are likely to limit themselves to the failures of a particular instantiation of a particular system in existing socio-technical contexts as we know them. But this will not be helpful for understanding the contexts that are emergent from A.I. assemblages.

It would be a failure to think about the principal or parents or students or teachers or security staff or IT personnel as being the only generative actors here. The technology, government, markets and institutions create affordances that enable particular kinds of agency, which in turn interact with those technologies. Ethnographic traditions like those that emerged following Geertz in anthropology or The Chicago School, like Howard Becker, in sociology, wanted to account for the larger frameworks that guided action and understanding (cultural in the first, social in the later). Following in those traditions, we see, for example, the user plus the direct user experience plus the use of one or more A.I. programs plus the policies of the Chinese government plus market forces (implicating companies like Hikvision, Intel, Alibaba, Baidu, etc.), as well as incentives around efficiency (what we think machines could do) – all as part of what we’ve referred to as the A.I. and recognition “assemblage.” In this context for research, the individual user, or for that matter, even the notion of a group, should be re-case as an assemblage, which encompasses all of those who use or would be affected by the use of the system, imbricated with multiple cultures, practices, institutions and markets. We do this not by forcing us to see how this stuff affects individuals, but how this stuff is the assemblage.

In the end, the importance is not that the A.I. has its own agency, nor that users make A.I., but that A.I. is making new kinds of people, individuals and society (among other things).

Some might suggest that existing methodologies, like Actor Network Theory, offer this opportunity. While such methodologies are a potential starting point, what’s really needed are methodologies that enable us to be more anticipatory of how value might be created, and less analytical of how valuation has already occurred. For instance, as we partner with these systems, we need to develop an appreciation for new modes and experiences of agency. Agency has never been reducible to the capacity for human action alone—as if people were ever able or willing to act independently of the worlds they make and inhabit. Capacities for action and exerting power are an outcome of an intermingling between people, other humans and a multitude of other things. Agency is a quality and effect of networks. Here, Actor Network Theory is a useful starting point. ANT posits that what we consider to be the social world is a constantly shifting series of relationships of humans and non-humans of varying scales that function together (Latour 2005). What is distinctive about this method is that it does not privilege humans within the network. Agency is not a quality of any individual actant but rather of the configuration of the network. As that configuration is dynamic, so too are the agencies within that network.

Another important aspect of agency within ANT, which distinguishes it from many other perspectives, is that agency does not require intentionality. So, for instance, in discussing the issues of restocking a bay with scallops, it is fair to describe the ways in which the scallops themselves are actants and refuse to participate in this process (Callon 1984). Such a flattening of subjectivities and ontologies is disturbing to some social theorists, but precisely the point of ANT: to de-center the human and consider an expanded perspective on how the world is made and then made to work. Proponents of ANT are quick to point out that ANT is less a theory of the social and more a method for tracing the associations and processes by which what we call the social comes into formation and actions. Given its attention too, indeed its embrace of, heterogenous collectives of humans and non-humans, ANT has proven to be particularly useful for the description of contemporary conditions in which objects and systems regularly are taken to be acting in and on the world.

But ANT alone is not enough. In fact, ANT may not be the most useful starting point in a world populated by A.I. algorithms and socio-technical networks. ANT is an analytic tool that allows us to describe the world, after it has been made. It is less useful for understanding the world as it is being made, and perhaps totally unhelpful as a framework for making the world as we might want it to become. What is needed are practices and theories that enable us to better imagine how the world might be made—concepts of networks and agency that help us to explore the distance and intimacies that we have to deal with today; concepts of networks and agency that are imaginative, exploratory, and speculative but also grounded in fundamental humanistic principles based in the possibility of relationships.

Contexts as Models Of and For – Beyond The Literal

While we considered many different A.I./recognition systems as they were being deployed, we were reminded of a key direction for innovating new communication and information systems, that is by researching those that have been around for hundreds of years. This is a radical departure from traditional research for what has become classical UX and innovation work that looks first at the immediate and literal context of use as a site for product/service intervention, followed by work on ever more specific requirements for said product or service. If you are creating a product for baby food or travel mugs or working on how to make a better Xerox machine, this may have been adequate. But communication and information assemblages may or may not be modeled in the intended context and the variables that need to be contextually informed have more to do with data flows than actual sites of use. An alternative in the innovation process could be researching cultural contexts and systems that can illustrate the data flows and exemplify the goals of the system to be designed. In short, some research needs to take place outside of literal context in order to find its actual context.

So, if you want to create an A.I. recognition system that might get used in a stadium or an autonomous vehicle, looking at the actual context of use may not necessarily be the best place to ground the research. Instead, exploring a site that has characteristics of a robust and intelligent network might generate new ways of thinking. For example, researching the medina networks in Morocco may provide new ways of thinking about the kinds of resources that computational networks will have to make available. In these markets, we can see how tourist networks learn to interact with existing networks of vendors and local guides. These kind of research sites might provide a better model for a smart network or pulling together an assemblage, than looking at the actual classroom, where that same technology in question is meant to be deployed. Human systems are incredibly innovative and time-tested and are often ignored as “systems” and reduced to literal contexts, actual contexts of use. To paraphrase Geertz, we shouldn’t be limited to creating models of some particular context of innovation but also models for innovative systems. Separating the models for design from contexts for implementation invites new perspectives and frameworks for innovating complex assemblages of solutions.

The shift from individuals to assemblages, the changing character of what we once referred to as context also suggests that, as a community, we need to broaden the theories and methods we engage in, while also parting ways with techniques that no longer serve us. While there is an ongoing need for researching human cultural contexts of use, there is a limit to what we can understand by observing the use of these systems by people, in part because so much of the system itself is not encountered by humans in use. To better contribute to a vibrant imagination of how the world might be made, we need to complement our practices of observation with practices of interpretation. Thus, another implication is the need to draw theories and methods from the humanities to better understand these systems. What do the humanities offer? Certainly, more than empathy. What the humanities offer are ways to interpret the things that humans make—“readings” of many kinds, close readings, distant readings, reparative readings, deconstructive readings, and so on. These readings are also designs in the sense that they are acts that organize ways of life, ways of living in the world. They provide a critical lens into the systems that claim to produce meaning and even knowledge. Importantly, these acts of reading are fundamentally different than observing what humans do. We tend to think of the humanities as providing skills for the interpretation not just of poems, literature, paintings and such, but of video games, logistics systems, algorithms and new categories of texts that provide the means to be human in a more-than-human world. To develop a fuller appreciation for what these systems are, and might be, we need to continue to develop practices of ethnography in an expanded field, which recognizes the need for, and the limitations of, human-centered in a world comprised of artificial intelligence, and looks to bring practices of interpretation to the fore.

In addition, recognizing the limitation of how we study these systems and their contexts of use, we should also acknowledge limitations on how we communicate our research. The techniques and tools of representation we have used in the past seem worn and shredded as we take on these dynamic assemblages. Many of these techniques and tools were developed in the context of human factors, in the context of designing interfaces for systems in which there were material affordances or the ability to create facsimiles of material affordances. What is more, most of these techniques and tools place emphasis on the individual and their interactions with a system that is bounded. But as we’ve discussed, that is simply no longer the case. It is not enough to tell the story of a system from the perspective of a single person, or a single product, and it may not even be enough to tell the story of a system from a human perspective alone. Personas are likely inadequate to capture a recognition program. A use case fails at articulating the value, dynamics, and complexity of education in the classroom. How do we tell stories that are polyvocal, wherein some of those voices are not-human? How do we represent dynamic configurations of agency?


We have presented glimpses into a subset of processes in which social realities are becoming realized in and around recognition assemblages. These glimpses start to show how it is that verbs of doing become nouns of being (to watch, am watched). It is a start on a longer pathway of discovery on how our lived worlds are pragmatically produced, socially construed, and naturalized. In many ways, A.I., beyond ML, is still so abstract, diffuse, and unknown. In this paper, we have tried to shift the conversation from the potentially soteriological or cataclysmic possibilities of A.I., to what is firm, clear, steady, and tangible; moving beyond just something that is more “what might it be” than “what it is.” Rather than considering A.I. hypothetically in all of tomorrows futures, our interest has been to examine A.I. as it is instantiated, experienced in practice and culture today. Only by capturing moments now, are we able to understand how A.I. among us is creating new kinds of individuals, institutions and society.

In the end, there are many questions about what exactly are the problems in contemporary A.I. systems for social sciences and how to investigate them ethnographically. It is not as if the social sciences are just coming to A.I. —there are decades of work to build from on social-material systems. And yet, out contemporary A.I. systems seem to be distinct in the ways humans are instrumentalized for the sake of nonhumans. The human action is material for the nonhuman algorithm. The kinds of assemblages that A.I. is bringing together challenge us to consider what our practice is and how ethnography matters in it. Are projects studying the engineer working on algorithms in a cube or software teams in a lab going to be enough? Anthropology started as a study of “man” <sic> the animal, in an evolutionary and comparative framework. Today, we are shifting over to an understanding of people in a cybernetic framework; an understanding of people as machines with nerves. New instantiations of A.I. challenge us to consider what it means to be human, or nonhuman. It pushes in a direction complimentary to “multi-species” ethnography (Kohn 2013) or anthropology beyond the human (Besky and Blanchette 2019). These new A.I. instantiations also suggest new ways to frame and do our work. Considering possibilities of following data flows, like Mintz (1985) did with sugar, or considering assemblage subjectivities, instead of just individual ones. To understand the implications of these assemblages to the human, we have to better understand the nonhumans. The anthropological project around post-human This requires experimentation new ethnographic techniques (Seaver 2017).

With this massive and yet occasionally quiet shift slowly but surely taking place, we have the opportunity to reflect on our roles as corporate social scientists, humanities thinkers, ethnographers, design researchers. We have choices to make about the degree to which we will continue to work to improve the technologies, services and assemblages that continue to expand the role of A.I. in our daily lives, or if we will work to slow down the rate of adoption, in some cases, going so far as to argue against it. Neither these technologies nor our study of them is neutral. While we should remember that we’ve been here before—with the invention of electricity, automobiles and even television—we recognize that A.I. systems and assemblages are different, more invasive, and place into check values and principles that humans have claimed for themselves. It’s another crossroads for our applied disciplines and our shared interest in ethnographic work. Perhaps instead of posing the options as binaries—as choices we each need to make to advance one option at the cost of the other—we can work to improve and to slow down and in doing so to recognize that these two paths more than likely coincide at every step.

Citation: 2019 EPIC Proceedings pp 38–64, ISSN 1559-8918, https://www.epicpeople.org/epic


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